Package: pracma 2.4.4

pracma: Practical Numerical Math Functions

Provides a large number of functions from numerical analysis and linear algebra, numerical optimization, differential equations, time series, plus some well-known special mathematical functions. Uses 'MATLAB' function names where appropriate to simplify porting.

Authors:Hans W. Borchers [aut, cre]

pracma.pdf |pracma.html
pracma/json (API)

# Install 'pracma' in R:
install.packages('pracma', repos = c('', ''))

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12.37 score 29 stars 926 packages 6.6k scripts 90k downloads 44 mentions 453 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:e2512490ec. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 08 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 08 2025



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Help pageTopics
Practical Numerical Math Routinespracma-package pracma
Accumulate Vector Elementsaccumarray uniq
Arithmetic-geometric Meanagmean
Aitken' Methodaitken
Univariate Akima InterpolationakimaInterp
Logical AND, OR (Matlab Style)and or
Andrews' Curvesandrewsplot
Basic Complex Functionsangle Imag Real
Adaptive Nelder-Mead Minimizationanms
Approximate and Sample Entropyapprox_entropy sample_entropy
Arc Length of a Curvearclength
Arnoldi Iterationarnoldi
Barycentric Lagrange Interpolationbarylag
2-D Barycentric Lagrange Interpolationbarylag2d
Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomialsbernoulli
Bernstein Polynomialsbernstein bernsteinb
Rootfinding Through Bisection or Secant Rulebisect regulaFalsi secant
Binary Representationbits
String of Blank Caraktersblanks
Block Diagonal Matrixblkdiag
Brent-Dekker Root Finding Algorithmbrent brentDekker
Brownian Motionbrown72
Broyden's Methodbroyden
Elementwise Function Application (Matlab Style)arrayfun bsxfun
Bulirsch-Stoer Algorithmbulirsch_stoer midpoint
Boundary Value Problemsbvp
Coordinate Transformationscart2pol cart2sph pol2cart sph2cart
Directory Functions (Matlab style)cd pwd what
Integer Functions (Matlab Style)ceil Fix
Characteristic Polynomialcharpoly
Chebyshev ApproximationchebApprox
Chebyshev PolynomialschebCoeff
Chebyshev PolynomialschebPoly
Fitting a Circlecirclefit
Clear function (Matlab style)clear ver who whos
Clenshaw-Curtis Quadrature Formulaclenshaw_curtis
Generate Combinationscombs
Companion Matrixcompan
Complex Step Derivativescomplexstep grad_csd hessian_csd jacobian_csd laplacian_csd
Matrix Conditioncond
Polynomial Convolutionconv
More Trigonometric Functionsacot acsc asec cot csc sec
Newton-Cotes Formulascotes
More Hyperbolic Functionsacoth acsch asech coth csch sech
Crank-Nicolson Methodcranknic
Vector Cross Productcross
n-dimensional Vector Cross Productcrossn
Interpolating Cubic Splinecubicspline
Parametric Curve Fitcurvefit
Find Cutting Pointscutpoints
Double and Triple Integrationdblquad triplequad
Event Detection in ODE solutiondeeve
Degrees to Radiansdeg2rad rad2deg
Remove Linear Trendsdetrend
Evaluate ODE Solutiondeval
Matrix DiagonalDiag
Utility functions (Matlab style)beep disp
Distance Matrixdistmat pdist pdist2
Scalar Productdot
Eigenvalue Function (Matlab Style)eig
Jacobi Eigenvalue Methodeigjacobi
Einstein FunctionseinsteinF
Elliptic and Jacobi Elliptic Integralsellipj ellipke
Floating Point Relative Accuracyeps
Error Functions and Inverses (Matlab Style)erf erfc erfcinv erfcx erfi erfinv erfz
Plot Error Barserrorbar
Dirichlet Eta Functioneta
Euler-Heun ODE Solvereuler_heun
Exponential and Logarithmic Integralexpint expint_E1 expint_Ei li
Matrix Exponentialexpm logm
Some Basic Matriceseye ones zeros
Contour, Surface, and Mesh Plotterezcontour ezmesh ezsurf
Easy Function Plotezplot fplot
Easy Polar Plotezpolar
Factorial Functionfact factorial2
Prime Factorsfactors
Numerical Differentiationfderiv
Fibonacci Searchfibsearch
Control Plot Devices (Matlab Style)figure
Find Interval Indicesfindintervals
Find All Minimafindmins
Find Peaksfindpeaks
find function (Matlab Style)finds
Find All Rootsfindzeros
Fletcher-Powell Conjugate Gradient Minimizationfletcher_powell
Matrix Flipping (Matlab Style)circshift flipdim fliplr flipud
Finding Function Minimumfminbnd
Minimize Nonlinear Constrained Multivariable Function.fmincon
Derivative-free Nonlinear Function Minimizationfminsearch
Minimize Unconstrained Multivariable Functionfminunc
Function Normfnorm
Fornberg's Finite Difference Approximationfornberg
Formatted Printing (Matlab style)fprintf
Fractal Curvesfractalcurve
Fresnel IntegralsfresnelC fresnelS
Solve System of Nonlinear Equationsfsolve
Root Finding Algorithmfzero
Complex Root Findingfzsolve
Incomplete Gamma Functiongammainc incgam
Complex Gamma Functiongammaz
Gauss-Kronrod Quadraturegauss_kronrod
Gauss-Hermite Quadrature FormulagaussHermite
Gauss-Laguerre Quadrature FormulagaussLaguerre
Gauss-Legendre Quadrature FormulagaussLegendre
Gauss-Newton Function MinimizationgaussNewton
GCD and LCM Integer Functionsgcd Lcm
Geometric Mediangeo_median
Geometric and Harmonic Mean (Matlab Style)geomean harmmean trimmean
Givens Rotationgivens
Generalized Minimal Residual Methodgmres
Golden Ratio Searchgolden_ratio
Numerical Gradientgrad
Discrete Gradient (Matlab Style)gradient
Hadamard Matrixhadamard
Halley's Root Finding Mathodhalley
Hampel Filterhampel
Hankel Matrixhankel
Hausdorff Distancehausdorff_dist
Haversine Formulahaversine
Hessenberg Matrixhessenberg
Hessian Matrixhessian
Hessian utilitieshessdiag hessvec
Hilbert Matrixhilb
Histogram Count (Matlab style)histc
Histogram Bin-width Optimizationhistss
Hooke-Jeeves Function Minimization Methodhooke_jeeves
Horner's Rulehorner hornerdefl
Householder Reflectionshouseholder
Matlab Test Functionshumps psinc sinc
Hurst Exponenthurstexp
Hypotenuse Functionhypot
Inverse Fast Fourier Transformationfftshift ifft ifftshift
Polygon Regioninpolygon
Adaptive Numerical Integrationintegral
Numerically Evaluate Double and Triple Integralsintegral2 integral3
One-dimensional Interpolationinterp1
Two-dimensional Data Interpolationinterp2
Matrix Inverse (Matlab Style)inv
Inverse Laplacianinvlap
isempty Propertyisempty
Positive Definitenessisposdef
isprime Propertyisprime
Iterative Methodsitersolve
Jacobian Matrixjacobian
Interpolation by Krigingkriging
Kronecker product (Matlab Style)kron
L1 Linear RegressionL1linreg
Laguerre's Methodlaguerre
Lambert's W FunctionlambertWn lambertWp
Laplacian Operatorlaplacian
Lebesgue Constantlebesgue
Legendre Functions (Matlab Style)legendre
Line integral (in the complex plane)line_integral
Linear Projection onto a Subspaceaffineproj linearproj
Linear Programming Solverlinprog
Linearly Spaced Sequenceslinspace
Log-linearly Spaced Sequenceslogseq logspace
Linear Least-Squares Fittinglsqlin
Linear Least-Squares Fitting with linear constraintslsqlincon
Nonlinear Least-Squares Fittinglsqcurvefit lsqnonlin lsqnonneg lsqsep
LU Matrix Factorizationlu lufact lusys lu_crout
Magic Squaremagic
Matlab Compatibilitymatlab
Generate a Mesh Gridmeshgrid
Multi-exponential Fittingmexpfit
Matlab backslash operatormldivide mrdivide
Integer Divisionidivide mod rem
Mode function (Matlab style)Mode
Moler Matrixmoler
Moving Average Filtersmovavg
Muller's Methodmuller
Binomial Coefficientsnchoosek
Number of Dimensionsndims
Nearest Symmetric Positive-definite Matrixnearest_spd
Nelder-Mead Function Minimization Methodnelder_mead
Neville's Methodneville
Newmark Methodnewmark
Newton's Root Finding Method for Polynomials.newtonHorner
Lagrange and Newtons InterpolationlagrangeInterp newtonInterp
Rootfinding through Newton-Raphson or Secant.newton newtonRaphson
Newton Method for Nonlinear Systemsnewtonsys
Next Power of 2nextpow2
Nonzero Elementsnnz
Vector NormNorm
Estimated Matrix Normnormest
Real nth Rootnthroot
Kernel or Nullspacenull nullspace
Richardson's Numerical Derivativenumderiv numdiff
Number of Elementsnumel
Non-stiff (and stiff) ODE solversode23 ode23s ode45 ode78
Orthogonal Distance Regressionodregress
Range Spaceorth
Pade Approximationpade
Pascal Trianglepascal
Hermitean Interpolation Polynomialspchip pchipfun
Peaks Function (Matlab Style)peaks
Generate Permutationsperms
Piecewise Linear Functionpiecewise
Pseudoinverse or Generalized Inversepinv
Plotting Two y-Axesplotyy
Poisson Disk Samplingpoisson2disk
Polar Coordinate Plot (Matlab Style)polar
Define Polynomial by RootsPoly
Print Polynomialpoly2str
Adding Polynomialspolyadd
Polynomial ApproximationpolyApprox
Area of a Polygonpolyarea poly_center poly_crossings poly_length
Derivative of Polynomialpolyder
Fitting by Polynomialpolyfit polyfix
Anti-derivative of Polynomialpolyint
Polylogarithm Functionpolylog
Multiplying and Dividing Polynomialspolydiv polymul
Polynomial Powerspolypow
Polynomial Transformationspolygcf polytrans
Evaluating a Polynomialpolyval polyvalm
Base 2 Powerpow2
Piecewise Polynomial Fitppfit
Piecewise Polynomial Structuresmkpp ppval
Prime Numbersprimes
Solving the Procrustes Problemkabsch procrustes
Psi (Polygamma) Functionpsi
Special Quadratic Programming Solverqpsolve qpspecial
LSE SolutionqrSolve
Adaptive Simpson Quadraturequad
2-d Gaussian Quadraturequad2d
Adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis Quadraturequadcc
Adaptive Gauss-Kronrod Quadraturequadgk
Gaussian Quadrature with Richardson Extrapolationquadgr
Infinite Integralsquadinf
Adaptive Lobatto Quadraturequadl
Quadratic Programmingquadprog
Vectorized Integrationquadv
Quiver or Velocity Plotquiver
Create Random Matricesrand randi randn randp rands randsample
Random Combinationrandcomb
Generate Random Orthonormal or Unitary Matrixrandortho
Random Permutationrandperm
Matrix RankRank
Continuous Fractions (Matlab Style)rat rats
Rational Interpolationratinterp
Rational Function Approximationrationalfit
Rectangle Intersection Areasrectint
Find overlapping regular expression matches.refindall
Match regular expressionregexp regexpi
Replace string using regular expressionregexprep
Replicate Matrixrepmat
Reshape MatrixReshape
Ridders' Root Finding Methodridders
Classical Runge-Kuttark4 rk4sys
Accuracy Measuresrmserr
Romberg Integrationromberg
Polynomial Rootspolyroots roots rootsmult
Rosser Matrixrosser
Matrix Rotationrot90
Reduced Row Echelon Formrref
Runge Functionrunge
Savitzky-Golay Smoothingsavgol
Segment Distancesegm_distance
Segment Intersectionsegm_intersect
Semi-logarithmic Plots (Matlab Style)loglog semilogx semilogy
Shooting Methodshooting
Shubert-Piyavskii Methodshubert
Sine and Cosine Integral FunctionsCi Si
Sigmoid Functionlogit sigmoid
Adaptive Simpson Quadraturesimpadpt
Double Simpson Integrationsimpson2d
Trigonometric Functions in Degreesacosd acotd acscd asecd asind atan2d atand cosd cotd cscd secd sind tand
Size of Matrixsize
Soft (Inexact) Line Searchsoftline
Sorting RoutinesbubbleSort heapSort insertionSort is.sorted mergeOrdered mergeSort quickSort quickSortx selectionSort shellSort testSort
Sort Rows of a Matrix (Matlab Style)sortrows
Monotone (Shape-Preserving) Interpolationspinterp
Matrix Square and p-th Rootsrootm signm sqrtm
Format Distance Matrix (Matlab Style)squareform
Standard Deviation (Matlab Style)std
Standard Errorstd_err
Steepest Descent Minimizationsteep_descent
Stereographic Projectionstereographic stereographic_inv
Converting string to number (Matlab style)num2str str2num
String Concatenationstrcat
String Comparisonstrcmp strcmpi
Find Substringsfindstr strfind strfindi
Justify character vectorstrjust
Find and replace substringstrRep
Remove leading and trailing white space.deblank strTrim
Angle between two subspacessubspace
Alternating Series Accelerationsumalt
Taylor Series Approximationtaylor
MATLAB timer functionstic toc
Titanium Test Datatitanium
Toeplitz MatrixToeplitz
Matrix traceTrace
Trapezoidal Integrationcumtrapz trapz trapzfun
Triangular Matrices (Matlab Style)tril triu
Trigonometric ApproximationtrigApprox
Trigonometric PolynomialtrigPoly
Gaussian Triangle Quadraturetriquad
Tridiagonal Linear System Solvertrisolve
Vandermonde matrixvander
Vector Field Plottingvectorfield
Whittaker Smoothingwhittaker
wilkinson Matrixwilkinson
Riemann Zeta Functionzeta