pracma 2.4.4 (2023-11-09)
- gcd(), Lcm() now require integers as input (G. Rücker reported).
- Corrections (missing brackets) in several Rd files.
pracma 2.4.3
- Corrected a bug in the help file of nelder_mead().
- Added stereographic projection and its inverse as functions
stereographic() and stereographic_inv().
pracma 2.4.2 (2022-09-22)
- Corrected a bug in logit() - 'length_1 error' again.
- Replaced 'class() =' with 'inherits(...)' in function ppval().
pracma 2.4.1
- Added an example of using inequality constraints with anms().
- Added more vectorized 'distmat2' to the help page of 'distmat'.
pracma 2.4.0
- hessvec() approximates the multiplication of Hessian and vector
(thanks to Ravi Varadhan for pointing out Pearlmutter's method).
- hessdiag() computes the diagonal of Hessian (finite differences).
pracma 2.3.9
- Spherical coordinates better explained in help files.
- Deprecated option 'fast' was removed from circlefit().
pracma 2.3.8 (2022-03-04)
- 'length_1 eror' for logical operators on integral() help page.
- Bug in pinv() for complex input, reported by Stephane Laurent.
pracma 2.3.7
- Added lu_crout(), Crout's algorithm for LU matrix decomposition.
- Corrected a small bug in randi(), thanks to Luke Cherveny.
pracma 2.3.6 (2021-12-07)
- Corrected randortho() with return value 'q %% diag(ph) # %% q',
as researched and reported by Daniel Kessler; thanks a lot.
- Function deeve() requires the x-coordinates to be sorted.
- Removed the Nile data (without warning).
pracma 2.3.5
- Corrected a bug in subspace() - thanks to David Fleischer.
- Corrected a small but annoying bug in steep_descent().
- Allows for complex matrices in pinv() (and mldivide()).
pracma 2.3.4
- Small correction in 'movavg()': default type now is 's'.
pracma 2.3.3 (2021-01-23)
- Forgot to correct URL addresses in the file.
pracma 2.3.2
- Removed and corrected URL addresses from 'http' to 'https'.
pracma 2.3.1
- 'ellipke' help page: compute circumference of an ellipse.
- 'Mode()' now handling all types of NAs (thx. Michael Henry).
pracma 2.3.0
- circlefit(): option 'fast' is deprecated and will not be used.
- gammainc(0, a) returns 0, thanks to Mark Chappell for reporting.
- ndims() now returns 1 for vectors and 0 for empty objects.
pracma 2.2.9 (2019-12-15)
- Changed URL reference of Abramowitz and Stegun (link missing).
- Fixed warning with the 'try' construct in several functions
using 'if(inherits(e, "try-error"))' (help from Bert Gunter).
- Link to R Base HTML help page gave a warning (for Windows).
pracma 2.2.8
- erfi() returns real values when the input values are all real.
- hypot() now allows for scalar plus numeric vector as inputs.
pracma 2.2.7
- Polynomial division with polydiv(); for two plynomials
polygcf() finds the greatest common factor; and rootmult()
returns the multiplicity of a polynomial root (or 0).
- polyroots() refines the result of roots() in case of roots
with multiplicities (where roots() is quite inaccurate).
pracma 2.2.6
- All polynomial functions now accept complex coefficients,
esp. roots() finds roots for complex polynomials.
- Fixed a bug in laguerre() for zeros of complex polynomials.
pracma 2.2.5 (2019-04-09)
- fsolve() and broyden() are no longer applicable to univariate
functions (Morrison-Sherman formula not working in this case).
- Alias cgmin() and option 'dfree=F' in fminsearch() are removed,
both have been deprecated since half a year.
pracma 2.2.4
- qpsolve() minimizes quadratic forms such as 0.5*t(x)x-dx
with linear quality and inequality constraints.
- fmincon() now has an 'augmented Lagrangian' option with a
'variable metric' approach as inner solver.
pracma 2.2.3
- linearproj() linear projection onto a linear subspace, and
affineproj() linear projection onto an affine subspace of R^n.
pracma 2.2.2 (2018-12-02)
- Corrected "length > 1 in coercion to logical" in expm().
pracma 2.2.1
- fminunc() unconstrained minimization of nonlinear objective
function, based on stripped-down 'Rvmmin' code by John Nash.
- 'fmincon()' minimization of nonlinear objective function with
constraints; wraps suggested package NlcOptim with SQP method.
pracma 2.2.0
- Reintroduced 'nelder_mead()' and 'hooke_jeeves()'.
- fminsearch() now calls 'Nelder-Mead' or 'Hooke-Jeeves',
i.e., derivative-free methods only; 'dfree=F' gets deprecated.
pracma 2.1.9
- Renamed 'cgmin()' to its original name 'fletcher_powell',
alias 'cgmin' is deprecated since this version.
- Removed alias 'normest2' that was anyway non-existing.
pracma 2.1.8 (2018-10-16)
- Corrected a bug in hessenberg() reported by Ben Ubah.
pracma 2.1.7
- Removed the deprecated 'rortho' function, use randortho() instead.
pracma 2.1.6
- Si(), Ci() sine and cosine integral functions added.
- Added dot notation for brent(), bisect(), newton(), halley(), and
ridders() -- on request of John Nash for the histRalg project.
pracma 2.1.4 (2018-01-30)
- shubert() implements one-dimensional Shubert-Piyavskii method.
- fminsearch() and anms() stop for one-dimensional minimization.
pracma 2.1.3
- bsxfun() now uses sweep() for matrices in search of higher speed.
- direct1d() removed because slow and not effective.
pracma 2.1.2
- poisson2disk() approximate Poisson disk distribution
- Corrected small bug in findpeaks(), reported by Mike Badescu.
pracma 2.1.1 (2017-11-21)
- Added a field "Authors@R" in the DESCRIPTION, deleted others.
- Added and (for a future Github repository).
- Needed a new version for resubmitting (because of 'survivalsvm')
pracma 2.1.0
- Package 'quadprog' is now suggested, not imported; the functions
quadprog() and lsqlincon() work only when 'quadprog' is installed.
pracma 2.0.9
- Package byte-compiled on loading (Requires R version >= 3.1.0).
pracma 2.0.8
- findpeaks() function not checking for NAs (reported by Wesley Burr).
- fplot() extra parameters were not handed over to plotting routine.
pracma 2.0.7 (2017-06-21)
- bernstein() generates the Bernstein polynomial B_,_().
- legendre(n,_) corrected for n=0, thanks to Peter W. Marcy.
- cgmin() alias for fletcher_powell(), a constraint gradient method.
pracma 2.0.6
- polyvalm() evaluates a polynomial in the matrix sense.
- arnoldi() Arnoldi iteration (incl. Hessenberg matrix).
pracma 2.0.5
- integral() redesigned, less methods, several starting intervals
with regular or random intermediate nodes (similar to MATLAB).
- quadgr() corrected as functions vectorized with Vectorize() did
not behave as expected with apply(); still needs vectorization.
- Help page of quadgk() did not mention the need for vectorization.
pracma 2.0.4 (2017-04-03)
- hessenberg() computes the Hessenberg form of a matrix through
Householder transformations (this is named hess() in MATLAB).
pracma 2.0.3
- Corrected functions with conditions in control statements with
conditions of length greater than one: rem().
pracma 2.0.2
- isposdef() test for positive definiteness of a (real) matrix.
- hooke_jeeves() removed; similar implementations are available
in packages 'dfoptim::hjk[b]' and 'adagio::hookejeeves'.
pracma 2.0.1
- nelder_mead() replaced by an adaptive Nelder-Mead implementation,
anms(), following F. Gao and L. Han.
- fminsearch() now calls this new version of Nelder-Mead.
pracma 2.0.0
- incgam(x,a) computes the incomplete upper gamma function using
the R function pgamma for higher precision than gammainc().
- Corrected a small oversight in hurstexp(), thnx George Ostrouchov.
pracma 1.9.9 (2017-01-11)
- Slightly changed the description lines on request of CRAN.
pracma 1.9.8
- whittaker() finally implemented avoiding the sparse matrix package.
- nelder_mead() now applies adaptive parameters for the simplicial
search, depending on the dimension of the problem space.
- psinc(x,n), the so-called periodic sinc function.
pracma 1.9.7
- shooting() implements the shooting method for boundary value problems
of second order differential equations.
- interp2() corrected the help page with size(z) = length(y)*length(x).
- Corrected a small oversight on the help page of Gauss-Laguerre.
pracma 1.9.6
- haversine() Haversine formula for geographical distances on earth.
- trigonometric functions accepting degrees instead of inputs in radians:
sind cosd tand cotd secd cscd
asind acosd atand acotd asecd acscd atan2d
pracma 1.9.5 (2016-09-06)
- fprintf() mimicks MATLAB's function of the same name.
- Added ezsurf(), an easy surface plot following MATLAB.
- fplot() is almost an alias for ezplot(); please note that in future
versions ez...() will be renamed to f...() according MATLAB 2016/17.
pracma 1.9.4
- rortho() renamed to randortho(), the underlying code was buggy
(not truely random) and has been replaced, thanks to Jan Tuitman.
- an error in the final step of calculating approx_energy() was
corrected, thanks to Daniel Krefl.
pracma 1.9.3 (2016-05-29)
- bvp() now solves boundary value problems for linear 2nd order ODEs
using a 'finite differences' approach and a tridiagonal solver.
- polyfit2() has been removed, use polyfix() instead.
pracma 1.9.2
- romberg() corrected an error estimation that diminished the accuracy.
- trapzfun() realizes trapezoidal integration with iterated calculations.
pracma 1.9.1
- fractalcurve() generates some fractal curves of order n, i.e. the
Hilbert, Sierpinski, Snowflake, Dragon, and Molecule curves.
- ode23(), ode23s() changed the size of the returned components,
now it is similar to what is returned by ode45() and ode78().
- arclength() corrected a boundary condition ('on the left'), added
an example how to generate an arc-length parametrization of a curve.
pracma 1.9.0
- quadprog() solves quadratic programming problems (QP) with linear
equality and inequality constraints, based on package 'quadprog'.
- lsqlincon() solves linear least-squares problems with linear equality
and inequality constraints (as well as bound constraints).
- pracma now imports package 'quadprog'.
pracma 1.8.9
- polyfix() fits a polynomial that exactly passes through given
fixed points. polyfit2() will be deprecated in future versions.
- Important bug fix for polyApprox() (thanks to Max Marchi).
pracma 1.8.8 (2015-11-27)
- Option 'minpeakdistance' for function findpeaks() added
(thanks to Razvan Chereji for providing a workable approach).
pracma 1.8.7
- Removed invperm().
- 'linear' is now the default method for interp1().
- Cases n = 0, 1 for legendre() corrected (thanks to Nuzhdin Yury).
pracma 1.8.6 (2015-07-14)
- Removed two non-existing links pointing to Gander's pages at the ETHZ.
- Removed a link explaining approximate entropy.
pracma 1.8.5
- Added 'Imports' field in description and 'import' in namespace,
as requested for the new R development version.
- strrep() renamed to strRep(), because of a new function in R Base.
pracma 1.8.4
- bernoulli() calculates the Bernoulli numbers and polynomials.
- factorial2() the product of all even resp. odd integers below n.
pracma 1.8.3 (2015-02-08)
- Deleted some URLs that were not working properly anymore.
pracma 1.8.2
- Special functions gathered under topics 'specfun' resp. 'specmat'.
pracma 1.8.1
- sumalt() accelerating (infinite) alternating sums.
- Option 'fast=FALSE' in circlefit() to avoid optim().
- Added Gauss' AGM-based computation of pi to agmean().
pracma 1.8.0
- hurstexp() amended for vectors of uneven length.
pracma 1.7.9 (2014-11-15)
- qpspecial() special quadratic programming solver.
- Reintroduces the 'tol' keyword in fminbnd() for compatibility.
pracma 1.7.8
- bulirsch_stoer() Bulirsch-Stoer method for solving
*rdinary differential equations with high accuracy.
- midpoint() implements the midpoint rule for solving ODEs
combined with Richardson extrapolation for high accuracy.
pracma 1.7.7 (2014-11-03)
- lufact() LU factorization with partial pivoting;
lusys() solves linear systems through Gaussian elimination.
pracma 1.7.6
- ode23s() for stiff ordinary differential equations refining
Rosenbrock's method (supply Jacobian if available).
- euler_heun() Euler-Heun ODE solver has been corrected.
pracma 1.7.5
- fminbnd() much improved implementation of Brent's method;
added challenging example by Trefethen to the help page.
- lambertWn() for the second (real) branch of Lambert W.
- Function name alias cintegral() removed.
pracma 1.7.4
- hooke_jeeves() replaced by a much more efficient implementation
and equipped with a special approach to bound constraints.
- nelder_mead() replaced by a much more efficient implementation
and utilizing a transformation to handle bound constraints;
functions nelmin() and nelminb() are not exported anymore.
pracma 1.7.3 (2014-10-12)
- quadinf() now uses the double exponential method with the
tanh-sinh quadrature scheme for (semi-)infinite intervals.
- Removed the not-exported and too slow .quadcc() function.
- brent() alias for brentDekker(), newton() for newtonRaphson().
pracma 1.7.2
- pchipfun() function wrapper around pchip();
missing error handling in pchip() was added.
- hurst() removed, functionality merged with hurstexp().
- Nile overflow data set 1871--1984 added as time series.
pracma 1.7.1
- bits() binary representation of a number as string.
- agmean() returns AGM, no of iterations, and estimated precision.
- trapz() tiny improvement on error handling.
pracma 1.7.0 (2014-07-01)
- ode45() ODE solver using Dormand-Prince (4,5) coefficients.
- ode78() ODE solver using Fehlberg (7,8) coefficients.
- cintegral() renamed to line_integral().
pracma 1.6.9
- Version 1.6.8 "Failed to build" on R-Forge.
[Maybe it's time to move pracma to a github repository.]
pracma 1.6.8
- nelmin() a more efficient and accurate version of Nelder-Mead.
- nelminb() Nelder-Mead in bounded regions (applies a transformation).
pracma 1.6.7
- trisolve() stopping for singular tridiagonal matrices.
- romberg() slightly improved accuracy and speed.
pracma 1.6.6
- Corrected rref() (as pointed out by Peter Audano).
pracma 1.6.5
- lsqnonneg() changed to an active-set approach.
- bisect() trimmed bisection to return almost exact results.
pracma 1.6.4 (2014-02-06)
- halley() Halley's variant of the Newton-Raphson method.
- numderiv() corrected Richardson's method by breaking the loop.
pracma 1.6.3
- lambertWp() improved inner accuracy from 1e-12 to 1e-15.
- complexstepJ() renamed to jacobian_csd(); introduced grad_csd().
- hessian_csd() applies Richardson's method as the second step,
and the same for laplacian_csd().
pracma 1.6.2
- Removed zeroin(); for fzero() a variation of Brent-Dekker is used,
that applies cubic instead of quadratic interpolation.
- Corrected an oversight in newtonRaphson().
- brentDekker() returns a list now.
pracma 1.6.1 (2014-01-14)
- samp_entropy() complements approx_entropy() for short time series.
- Removed NEWS.Rd and NEWS.pdf in favour of NEWS.
pracma 1.6.0
- integral3() now handles functions as inner interval limits.
- poly_crossings() calculates crossing points of two polygons.
- erfz() complex error function vectorized (thanks to Michael Lachmann).
pracma 1.5.9
- muller() implements Muller's root-finding method [Mueller, 1956],
especially suited for polynomials and complex functions.
- Inserted a safeguard for the distmat() function to prevent different
results on Mac OS X, (Ubuntu) Linux, and Windows operating systems.
- Removed pltcross() and kmeanspp().
pracma 1.5.8 (2013-11-28)
- interp1() with option method ``spline'' now computes Moler's spline
functions, for compatibility with MATLAB (hint by Boudewijn Klijn).
pracma 1.5.7
- Corrected parameter 'waypoints' in cintegral().
pracma 1.5.6
- odregress() orthogonal distance (or: total least-squares) regression.
- Changed maintainer name to its long form (CRAN request).
pracma 1.5.5 (2013-09-15)
- L1linreg() L1 (a.k.a. LAD or median) linear regression.
- geo_median() geometric median (minimizes sum of distances).
pracma 1.5.4
- rectint() rectangular intersection areas (MATLAB style).
- cumtrapz() cumulative trapezoidal integration (MATLAB style).
- Some corrections to help pages and function names.
pracma 1.5.3
- arclength() length of a parametrized curve in n-dimensional space,
w/ improved convergence by applying Richardson's extrapolation method.
- legendre() associated Legendre functions (MATLAB style).
pracma 1.5.2
- poly_center() calculates the center coordinates of a polygon.
- poly_length() calculates the (euclidean) length of a polygon.
- polyarea() corrected, returns the true, not the absolute value.
pracma 1.5.1
- fsolve() will use broyden() if m = n; fzsolve() the same;
additionally, improved broyden() and gaussNewton().
- ezplot() can draw markers on the line, with equal distances
measured along the curve length.
pracma 1.5.0 (2013-08-10)
- gmres() generalized minimum residual method.
- nearest_spd() finds nearest symmetric positive-definite matrix.
- eps() floating point relative accuracy.
pracma 1.4.9
- lapacian() now works in n dimensions, not only for n = 2.
- mldivide(), mrdivide() corrected a severe typo.
- numderiv(), numdiff() start with h = 1/2 instead of h = 1.
- figure() platform-independent by using
pracma 1.4.8
- findzeros() now finds 'quadratic' roots, too.
- pdist2() added as an alias for distmat(),
while pdist(X) now is distmat(X, X) (MATLAB style).
pracma 1.4.7
- histcc() histogram with optimized number of bins.
- Example of correction term for the trapz() integration.
pracma 1.4.6
- psi() Psi polygamma function (MATLAB style).
- rosenbrock() and rastrigin() functions removed.
pracma 1.4.5 (2013-03-25)
- quadcc() new, iterative Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature.
- squareform() formats distance matrix (MATLAB style).
pracma 1.4.4
- integral2() implements the two-dimensional numerical integration
approach `TwoD', i.e. Gauss-Kronrod (3, 7)-points on rectangles.
- integral3() three-dimensional integration based on integral2().
- triplequad() 3-dim. integration based on dblquad() (MATLAB style).
pracma 1.4.3
- integral() combines adaptive numerical integration procedures.
- cintegral() complex line integrals (rectangles and curves).
pracma 1.4.2
- linprog() linear programming solver for linear equality and
inequality constraints.
pracma 1.4.1
- romberg() Romberg integration completely rewritten.
- idivide() integer division with different roundings.
pracma 1.4.0 (2013-02-12)
- fderiv(), taylor() expanded to higher orders.
- itersolve() iteration methods for solving linear systems.
- lu() LU decomposition with different schemes (w/o pivoting).
pracma 1.3.9
- pdist() as an alias for distmat() (MATLAB style).
- fftshift(), ifftshift() shifting Fourier frequencies.
- Improved grad(), jacobian(), hessian(), and laplacian().
pracma 1.3.8 (2013-01-11)
- Smaller corrections, e.g., removed deprecated 'is.real';
no startup messages anymore.
- geomean(), harmmean(), trimmean() geometric, harmonic, and
trimmed arithmetic mean (MATLAB style).
- agmean() algebraic-geometric mean.
pracma 1.3.7
- mexpfit() multi-exponentiell fitting, separating linear and
nonlinear parts of the problem.
pracma 1.3.6
- lsqsep() separable least-squares fitting.
- lsqcurvefit() nonlinear least-squares curve fitting.
pracma 1.3.5
- cd(), pwd() directory functions (MATLAB style).
- rand(), randn() changed to accept size() as input.
- whos(), what() corrected for empty lists resp. directories.
pracma 1.3.4
- what(), who(), whos(), ver() (MATLAB style).
- semilogx(), semilogy(), loglog() logarithmic plots (MATLAB style)
pracma 1.3.3 (2012-12-13)
- quadv() vectorized integration.
- ezpolar() easy access to the polar() function.
- sortrows() sorting rows of matrices (MATLAB style).
- null() alias for nullspace function (MATLAB style).
- eigjacobi() Jacobi's method for eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
pracma 1.3.2
- ellipke(), ellipj() elliptic and Jacobi elliptic integrals.
- expint() implements E1 and Ei, the exponential integrals, with
aliases expint_E1() and expint_Ei().
- li() the logarithmic integral (w/o offset).
pracma 1.3.1 (2012-12-07)
- Explicitely listing about 200 MATLAB-emulating function( name)s.
- Dismissed matlab(), using it now for infos only, not assigning any
MATLAB function names to the environment (because of CRAN policies).
pracma 1.3.0
- cot(), csc(), sec() cotangens, cosecans, and secans functions.
- acot(), acsc(), asec() inverse cotangens, cosecans, secans functions.
- coth(), csch(), sech() hyperbolic cotangens, cosecans, secans functions.
- acoth(), acsch(), asech() inverse hyperbolic cotangens, cosecans, and
secans functions.
pracma 1.2.9
- bvp() changed to solve second order boundary value problems.
- trisolve() solves tridiagonal linear equation systems.
- curvefit() fits points in the plane with a polynomial curve.
pracma 1.2.8
- lsqlin() least-squares solver with linear equality constraints.
- pinv() now works like MASS::ginv() for singular matrices.
- Added the end-';' feature to str2num().
- toc() added invisible return value.
pracma 1.2.7
- procrustes() solving the Procrustes problem,
and kabsch() implements the Kabsch algorithm.
- kriging() ordinary and simple Kriging interpolation.
- Corrected some stupid errors in str2num().
pracma 1.2.6
- akimaInterp() univariate Akima interpolation.
- Moved transfinite() to package 'adagio'.
pracma 1.2.5 (2012-11-08)
- histc() Histogram-like counting (MATLAB style).
- Added warning to complexstep() if imaginary part is zero.
pracma 1.2.4
- Added option 'pinv' to mldivide() to return same results as MATLAB.
- str2num(), num2str() conversion functions (MATLAB style).
- Removed some 'author' entries on help pages.
pracma 1.2.3
- Renamed mrank() to Rank().
- Corrected nullspace() [thanks to Stephane Laurent], which now agrees
with Octave's null() function (MASS:Null appears buggy, too).
- Corrected gaussNewton() and fsolve() [thanks to Etienne Chamayou].
pracma 1.2.2
- bsxfun() apply binary function elementwise (MATLAB style).
- added the analytic solution for the example in bvp().
pracma 1.2.1
- rosenbrock() added, moved testfunctions to 'adagio' package.
- euler_heun() improved Euler method for solving ODEs.
- logit() function added to sigmoid().
- Keyword 'ode' introduced.
pracma 1.2.0 (2012-09-27)
- matlab() can reinstall MATLAB function names.
pracma 1.1.9
- gcd(), lcm() greatest common divisor, least common multiple
now working on a vector of integers.
- Removed number-theoretic functions: eulersPhi(),
moebiusFun(), mertensFun(), sigma(), tau(), omega(), Omega(),
primes2(), twinPrimes(), nextPrime(), previousPrime(),
modpower(), modorder(), modinv(), modlin(),
primroot(), contfrac(), coprime(), GCD(), LCM(), extGCD(),
(these functions are now available in the 'numbers' package).
pracma 1.1.8
- ezcontour(), ezmesh() wrappers for contour(), image(), persp().
- erfi() imaginary error function.
pracma 1.1.7
pracma 1.1.6 (2012-07-20)
- Removed '.Rapphistory' from the tests directory (again)
[and use "--as-cran" for the checks].
- disp() display text or array (MATLAB Style), i.e. cat() with newline.
pracma 1.1.5
- Renamed functions with capital first letter to avoid name clashes:
mtrace -> Trace, mdiag -> Diag, strtrim -> strTrim, vnorm -> Norm,
reshape -> Reshape, find -> finds, fix -> Fix, poly ->Poly,
mode -> Mode, real -> Real, imag -> Imag, toeplitz -> Toeplitz.
pracma 1.1.4
- gammainc() (lower and upper) incomplete gamma function, also the
regularized gamma function, all allowing negative x values.
- polylog() the polylogarithm functions for |z| < 1 and n >= -4 .
pracma 1.1.3
- fminsearch() now implements Nelder-Mead (similar to optim), and
Fletcher-Powell when "dfree=FALSE" is chosen.
- Test functions rosenbrock() and rastrigin().
pracma 1.1.2
- nelder_mead() implements Nelder-Mead for nonlinear optimization.
- hooke-jeeves() Hooke-Jeeves algorithm for direct search.
- fletcher_powell() Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method for function
minimization (alternative to BFGS approach).
- steep_descent() minimization of functions using steepest descent.
pracma 1.1.1
- fminbnd() now implements Brent's function minimization algorithm with
golden section search and parabolic interpolation (same as optimize).
- transfinite() transformation function between bounded and unbounded
(box constraint) regions.
pracma 1.1.0 (2012-06-06)
- hurst(), hurstexp() calculate the Hurst exponent of a time series.
- Updated the NEWS.Rd file.
pracma 1.0.9
- lsqnonneg() solves nonnegative least-squares problems by using the
trick "x --> exp(x)" and applying lsqnonlin();
example function lsqcurvefit() for nonlinear curve fitting.
- Renamed ridder() to ridders(), thanks to Robert Monfera for pointing
it out (he also suggested a multi-dimensional variant).
pracma 1.0.8
- movavg() moving average of types "simple", "weighted", "modified",
"exponential" (EMA), or "triangular".
- modlin() solves modular linear equations.
pracma 1.0.7
- lsqnonlin() solves nonlinear least-squares problems using the
Levenberg-Marquardt approach.
- renamed froots() to findzeros(), and fmins() to findmins().
pracma 1.0.6
- fornberg() finite difference (i.e., polynomial) approximation of
derivatives for unevenly spaced grid points -- Fornberg's method.
pracma 1.0.5 (2012-04-19)
- randsample() randomly sampling, alias for sample (MATLAB style).
- rands() generates uniform random points on an N-sphere.
- Added tic(), toc() measuring elapsed time (MATLAB style).
- previousPrime() finds the next prime below a number.
pracma 1.0.4
- invlap() computes the inverse Lapacian numerically.
- ppfit() piecewise polynomial fitting procedure.
pracma 1.0.3
- cubicspline() interpolating cubic spline (w/ endpoint conditions).
- mkpp() and ppval() for piecewise polynomial structures.
pracma 1.0.2
- accumarray() resembles the related MATLAB function more closely.
- invperm() returns the inverse of a permutation.
- randperm() changed to make it more MATLAB-like.
pracma 1.0.1 (2012-03-12)
- plotyy() corrected right ordinate, prettying the labels.
- peaks() peaks function (MATLAB style).
pracma 1.0.0
- Updated the NEWS.Rd file.
pracma 0.9.9
- qrSolve solves overdetermined system of linear equations.
- DSCsearch() removed, now in package 'pracopt'.
- randp() found a better, non-selective approach.
pracma 0.9.8
- gramSchmidt() modified Gram-Schmidt process.
- householder() Householder reflections and QR decomposition.
- givens() Givens rotation and QR decomposition.
- corrected a small error in ridder() (thanks to Roger Harbord); new
example of how to use ridder() with Rmpfr for multiple precision.
pracma 0.9.7
- erf() corrected, erfc() and erfcx() as new functions,
including their inverses erfinv() and erfcinv().
- hypot() now numerically more stable (thanks to Jerry Lewis).
pracma 0.9.6 (2012-01-26)
- Changed third example for dblquad() [new Windows toolchain problem].
- Deactivated the test for gammaz() because of problems on Solaris.
pracma 0.9.5
- kmeanspp() kmeans++ clustering algorithm.
- hampel() with new option, fuelled by a blog entry of Ron Pearson.
pracma 0.9.4
- DSCsearch() Davies-Swann-Campey search in one dimension.
- Improved modpower() through modular exponentiation.
added lehmann_test() Lehmann's primality test as example.
- Corrected polar() and andrewsplot().
pracma 0.9.3
- direct1d() one-dimensional version of the DIRECT algorithm for
global function minimization.
pracma 0.9.2
- approx_entropy() approximate entropy of a time series.
- circshift() circularly shifting arrays (MATLAB Style).
pracma 0.9.1 (2011-12-16)
- plotyy() plots curves with y-axes on both left and right side.
- fplot() plots components of a multivariate function.
pracma 0.9.0
- errorbar() routine for plotting error bars in both directions.
- whittaker() Whittaker-Henderson smoothing** Not yet running** .
- rref() reduced row echelon form.
pracma 0.8.9
- cutpoints() automatically finds cutting points based on gaps.
- hausdorff_dist calculates the Hausdorff distance / Hausdorff dimension.
- nnz() number of non-zeros elements (MATLAB style).
pracma 0.8.8
- polar() for polar plots (MATLAB style), see the example plots.
- andrewsplot() plots Andrews curves in polar coordinates.
- Vectorized: cart2sph(), sph2cart(), cart2pol(), pol2cart().
pracma 0.8.7
- deg2rad(), rad2deg().
- figure() MATLAB style and pltcross() plotting crosses.
pracma 0.8.6 (2011-11-22)
- ridder() Ridder's method for zero finding of univariate functions.
pracma 0.8.5
- sqrtm() matrix square root, based on Denman-Beavers iteration,
rootm() matrix p-th root, computing a complex contour integral,
signm() matrix sign function.
o fzero() now uses the new zeroin() function,
i.e., a Brent-Dekker approach instead of refering to uniroot().
- twinPrimes() twin primes in a given interval, and nextPrime()
will find the next higher prime.
pracma 0.8.4
- Transformations between cartesian, spherical, polar and cylindrical
coordinate systems: cart2sph(), sph2cart(), cart2pol(), pol2cart().
- randp() uniformly random points in the unit circle.
pracma 0.8.3
- accumarray() grouping elements and applying a function to each group.
- uniq() MATLAB-style 'unique' function, allsums() in the examples.
- small correction to fsolve(), mentioned on the 'check summary' page.
pracma 0.8.2
- newmark() Newmark's method for solving second order differential
equations of the form y''(t) = f(t, y(t), y'(t)) on [t1, t2].
- cranknic() Crank-Nicolson 'ivp' solver, combining the forward and
backward Euler methods for ordinary differential equations.
pracma 0.8.1 (2011-11-02)
- Corrected pinv() for (nearly) singular matrices.
- Renamed ifactor() to factors().
pracma 0.8.0
- Minor corrections and improvements to the 'pracma.pdf' manual,
incl. numdiff(), refindall(), trigApprox(), and subspace().
pracma 0.7.9
- spinterp() monotonic (and later on shape-preserving) interpolation
following the approach of Delbourgo and Gregory.
pracma 0.7.8
- bvp() solves boundary value problems of the following kind:
-u''(x) + c1 u'(x) + c2 u(x) = f(x) for x in [a, b].
pracma 0.7.7
- primes2(n1, n2) will return all prime numbers betweeen n1 and n2
(without storing the numbers from sqrt(n2) up to n2).
pracma 0.7.6
- gaussNewton() for function minimization and solving systems of
nonlinear equations. fsolve() as a wrapper for it.
- fzsolve() for root finding of complex functions.
- softline() Fletcher's inexact linesearch algorithm.
pracma 0.7.5 (2011-07-27)
- Put NEWS.Rd in the /inst subdirectory (and NEWS.pdf in /doc),
thanks to Kurt Hornik; slightly changed the version numbering.
pracma 0.7-4
- rortho() generate random orthogonal matrix of size n.
- Titanium data set for testing fitting procedures.
pracma 0.7-3 (2011-07-23)
- erf() and erfc() error and complementary error functions
(MATLAB style) as (almost) aliases for pnorm().
- erfz() complex error function.
pracma 0.7-2
- broyden() quasi-Newton root finding method for systems of nonlinear
pracma 0.7-1
- cross() has been vectorized (remark on R-help).
pracma 0.7-0
- Sigmoid and Einstein functions.
pracma 0.6-9
- Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method of order (5,4).
pracma 0.6-8
- triquad() Gaussian quadrature over triangles.
- cotes() Newton-Cotes integration formulae for 2 to 8 nodes.
pracma 0.6-7
- lagrangeInterp(), newtonInterp() Lagrange and Newton polynomial
interpolation, neville() Neville's methods.
- tril(), triu() extracting triangular matrices (MATLAB style).
pracma 0.6-6
- charpoly() computes the characteristic polynomial, the determinant,
and the inverse for matrices that are relativly small, applying the
Faddejew-Leverrier method.
- froots() to find all roots (also of second or higher order) of
a univariate function in a given interval. The same with fmins()
to find all minima.
pracma 0.6-5
- Adams-Bashford and Adams-Moulton (i.e., multi-step) methods
for ordinary differential equations in function abm3pc().
pracma 0.6-4
- Changed the description to be more precise about the package.
pracma 0.6-3 (2011-06-29)
- rationalfit() rational function approximation
- ratinterp() rational interpolation a la Burlisch-Stoer.
pracma 0.6-2
- pade() Pade approximation.
pracma 0.6-1
- quadgk() adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadrature.
pracma 0.6-0
- Added differential equation example to expm()'s help page.
- Changed NEWS file to become simpler (no subsections).
pracma 0.5-9
- quadl() recursive adaptive Gauss-Lobatto quadrature.
- simpadpt() another recursively adaptive Simpson's rule.
- Added testing procedures for all integration routines;
corrected, refined some of these procedures.
pracma 0.5-8
- quadgr() Gaussian Quadrature with Richardson extrapolation, can
handle singularities at endpoints and (half-)infinite intervals.
pracma 0.5-7
- expm() for matrix exponentials.
- clenshaw_curtis() the Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature formula.
pracma 0.5-6
- simpson2d() as non-adaptive 2-dimensional Simpson integration.
- dblquad() twofold application of internal function integrate().
pracma 0.5-5
- gaussHermite() and gaussLaguerre() for infinite intervals.
- Fresnel integrals fresnelS() and frenelC().
pracma 0.5-4
- gaussLegendre() computes coefficients for Gauss Quadrature,
and quad2d() uses these weights for 2-dimensional integration.
- quadinf() wrapper for integrate() on infinite intervals.
pracma 0.5-3 (2011-06-08)
- ode23() solving first order (systems of) differential equations.
- barylag2d() 2-dimensional barycentric Lagrange interpolation.
pracma 0.5-2
- interp2() for two-dimensional interpolation.
- gradient() now works in two dimensions too.
pracma 0.5-1
- fzero(), fminbnd(), fminsearch(), fsolve() as aliases for
uniroot(), optimize(), optim() with Nelder-Mead, newtonsys().
pracma 0.5-0
- Corrections to help pages.
pracma 0.4-9
- romberg() and gauss_kronrod() for numerical integration.
- Richardson's extrapolation in numderiv(), numdiff().
- Discrete numerical derivatives (one dimension): gradient().
pracma 0.4-8
- Numerical function derivatives: fderiv(), grad().
- Specialized operators: hessian(), laplacian().
- Application: taylor().
pracma 0.4-7
- plot vector fields: quiver() and vectorfield().
- findintervals().
- Corrections in deval(), deeve(), using findintervals().
pracma 0.4-6
- Laguerre's method laguerre().
- rk4() and rk4sys() classical fourth order Runge-Kutta.
- deval(), deeve() evaluate ODE solutions.
pracma 0.4-5
- Lebesgue coefficient: lebesgue().
- poly2str() for string representation of a polynomial.
pracma 0.4-4
- Dirichlet's eta() and Riemann's zeta() function.
- rmserr() different accuracy measures; std_err() standard error.
pracma 0.4-3
- polypow() and polytrans() for polynomials.
- polyApprox() polynomial approximation using Chebyshev.
- trigPoly(), trigApprox() for trigonometric regression.
pracma 0.4-2
- segm_intersect() and segm_distance() segment distances.
- inpolygon().
pracma 0.4-1
- polyadd() polynomial addition.
- conv() and deconv() time series (de)convolution.
- detrend() removes (piecewise) linear trends.
- ifft() for normalized inverse Fast Fourier Transform.
pracma 0.4-0 (2011-05-11)
- Added tests for functions since version 0.3-7.
pracma 0.3-9
pracma 0.3-8
- pchip() and option `cubic' for interp1() interpolation.
- The complex gamma functions gammaz().
- hadamard() and toeplitz() matrices.
pracma 0.3-7
- Rank of a matrix, mrank(), and nullspace() for the kernel.
- orth(), orthogonal basis of the image space, and subspace()
determines the angle between two subspaces.
- normest() for estimating the (Frobenius) norm of a matrix, and
cond() determines the condition number of a matrix.
pracma 0.3-6
- fact(), more accurate than the R internal function `factorial'.
- ezplot() as an alias for curve(), but with option ``fill = TRUE''.
- aitken() for accelerating iterations.
- Renamed polycnv() to polymul().
- Renamed outlierMAD() to hampel().
pracma 0.3-5
- Lambert W function lambertWp() for the real principal branch.
- ``Complex Step'' derivation with complexstep() and complexstepJ().
pracma 0.3-4
- Barycentric Lagrange interpolation through barylag().
- polyfit2() fits a polynomial that exactly meets one additional point.
- Added more references to the help entry `pracma-package.Rd'.
pracma 0.3-3
- hornerdefl() for also returning the deflated polynomial.
- newtonHorner() combining Newton's method and the Horner scheme
for root finding for polynomials.
- jacobian() computes the Jacobian of a function R^n --> R^m as simple
numerical derivative.
- newtonsys() applies Newton's method to functions R^n --> R^n with
special application to root finding of complex functions.
- newton() renamed to newtonRaphson().
pracma 0.3-2
- Sorting functions: bubbleSort(), insertionSort(), selectionSort(),
shellSort(), heapSort(), mergeSort(), mergeOrdered(), quickSort(),
quickSortx(), is.sorted(), and testSort().
- Functions from number theory: eulersPhi(), moebiusFun() and the
mertensFun(), sigma(), tau(), omega(), and Omega().
pracma 0.3-1
- Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind: chebPoly(), chebCoeff(),
and chebApprox().
pracma 0.3-0 (2011-04-10)
- New version of NEWS.Rd, NEWS.pdf.
- More test functions for root finding and quadrature.
pracma 0.2-9
- fnorm() and the Runge function runge().
- contfrac(), rat(), and rats() for continuous fractions.
- meshgrid() and magic().
pracma 0.2-8
- quad() adaptive Simpson quadrature.
- Minimum finding with fibsearch() and golden_ratio().
- Root finding with newton(), secant(), and brentDekker().
pracma 0.2-7
- Regular expression functions regexp(), regexpi(), regexprep() and
pracma 0.2-6
- String functions blanks(), strtrim(), deblank(), strjust(), strrep().
- interp1() one-dimensional interpolation (incl. spline)
pracma 0.2-5
- MATLAB functions mode(), clear() and beep().
pracma 0.2-4
- primroot() finds the smallest primitive root modulo a given n;
needed functions are modpower() and modorder().
- humps() and sinc(): MATLAB test functions.
- Root finding through bisection: bisect(), regulaFalsi().
- outlierMAD(), findpeaks(), and piecewise().
- polycnv() for polynomial multiplication.
- Functions extgcd(), gcd(), and lcm() have been renamed to extGCD(),
GCD(), and LCM() respectively.
pracma 0.2-3
- strfind(), strfindi(), and findstr().
- circlefit() fitting a circle to plane points.
- mldivide() and mrdivide(), emulating the MATLAB backslash operator.
pracma 0.2-2 (2011-03-19)
- vnorm() vector norm
- Warning about a nasty "non-ASCII input" in the savgol.RD file resolved.
pracma 0.2-1
- horner() implementing the horner scheme for evaluating a polynomial
and its derivative.
- savgol() Savitzki-Golay smoothing and needed pseudoinverse pinv().
pracma 0.2-0
- Package renamed to 'pracma' to avoid name clashes with packages
such as 'matlab' that are sticking closer to the original.
- Added 'pracma-package' section to the manual.
pracma 0.1-9
- reshape(), repmat(), and blkdiag() matrix functions.
- combs() chooses all combinations of k elements out of n, and
randcomb() generates a random selection.
- perms() generates all permutations, randperm() a random permutation.
- Pascal triangle as pascal(); nchoosek() returns binomial coefficients.
- Some string functions: strcmp(), strcmpi(), strcat().
pracma 0.1-8
- std() as refinement of the standard deviation function.
- ceil() and fix() as aliases for ceiling() and trunc().
[floor() and round() already exist in R.]
- Modulo functions mod(), rem() and integer division idiv().
- Integer functions related to the Euclidean algorithm:
extgcd(), gcd(), lcm(), coprime(), and modinv().
- distmat() and crossn(), the vector product in n-dimensional space.
pracma 0.1-7
- size(), numel(), ndims(), isempty(), and find().
- eye(), ones(), zeros().
- Functions returning random numbers: rand(), randn(), randi().
- linspace(), logspace(), and logseq() for linearly, logarithmically,
and exponentially spaced sequences.
pracma 0.1-6
- Matrix functions mdiag() and mtrace() added.
inv() is introduced as an alias for solve() in R.
- Generate special matrices hankel(), rosser(), and wilkinson().
kron() is an alias for the R function kronecker().
- Renamed factors() to ifactor() to distinguish it more clearly
from factors as used in R.
pracma 0.1-5
- Added function for flipping or rotating numeric and complex
matrices: flipdim(). flipud(), fliplr(), and rot90().
pracma 0.1-4
- Added functions for generating sequences of (log-)linearly spaced
numeric values: linspace() and logspace().
- Added basic complex functions real(), imag(), conj(), and angle()
which are essentially only aliases of the R functions Re(), Im(),
*r Conj().
angle() returns the angle of a complex number in radians. The R
function Mod() is here only available as abs().
pracma 0.1-3
- Added compan() function for the `companion' matrix;
the eig() function is an alias for the R eigen()values function.
- Added the polynomial functions poly(), polyder(), polyfit(),
polyint(), and polyval().
- roots() returns real and complex roots of polynomials.
- Simplified the trapz() function.
pracma 0.1-2
- Added functions from number theory: primes(), isprime() and factors().
The corresponding function for factors() in MATLAB/Octave is called
factor(), but that name should not be shadowed in R!
- Added the polyarea() and trapz() functions.
pracma 0.1-1
- Added some simple functions such as nthroot(), pow2(), and nextpow2().
- dot() and cross() functions for scalar and vector product.
- Generate matrices through vander() and hilb().
pracma 0.1-0
- 'pracma' will be a pure R package without using any source code.
Therefore, installation will be immediate on all platforms.
- This package provides R implementations of more advanced math
functions from MATLAB and Octave (and the Euler Math Toolbox)
with a special view on optimization and time series routines.