numbers 0.8-5 (2022-11-23)
- periodicCF() determines the the full and exact period of the
periodic continued fraction of sqrt(d), d a non-square integer.
- solvePellsEq() returns the fundamental solution of Pell's equation.
numbers 0.8-4
- contFrac() renamed to contfrac().
- contfrac() additionally returns the convergents 'p' and 'q'.
- chinese() and isNatural(): Corrected "coerce to logical" bug.
numbers 0.8-3
- Added isSquare() and isSquarefree() for convenience.
- Changed the default tolerance of contFrac() to 1e-12.
- Corrected some misuses of '&' resp '|'.
numbers 0.8-2 (2021-05-14)
- Removed example for farey_seq() from the 'ratFarey' help page
because apparently 'gmp' causes problems for macOS on CRAN servers.
numbers 0.8-1 (2021-04-11)
- carmichael() determines Carmichael numbers.
- Corrected all old and 'insecure' Internet links with 'https:'.
numbers 0.7-9
- stern_brocot_seq() generates the Stern-Brocot sequence (fast).
- farey_seq() generates the full n-th Farey series (slow).
numbers 0.7-8
- bernoulli_numbers() the Bernoulli numbers w/ and w/o 'big rationals'.
- pascal_triangle() generates Pascal numbers in a rectangle.
- modq() extends the modulo operator to rational numbers.
numbers 0.7-6
- Help clarified for omega() and Omega() functions.
numbers 0.7-5 (2019-11-26)
- collatz() calculates generalized Collatz sequences.
numbers 0.7-4
- "length > 1 in coercion to logical" error corrected in mGCD() and mLCM().
- Corrected hermiteNF(), suggested by Martin Hoffmann.
numbers 0.7-3
- modsqrt() calculates the square root modulo primes.
numbers 0.7-1 (2018-05-17)
- Removed 'numbers-package.Rd' on request of K. Hornick, CRAN.
numbers 0.6-8
- intnthroot() calculates the integer n-th root.
numbers 0.6-7
- modlog() the modular (or: discrete) logarithm.
- primroot() got a new keyword 'all=FALSE' to return all primitive
roots if it is TRUE. Also, isPrimroot() with the obvious meaning.
numbers 0.6-6 (2017-01-10)
- Extended the description line considerably by request of CRAN.
- Finally completed the "?'numbers-package'" entry of the help.
numbers 0.6-5
- cf2num() converts (generalized) continued fractions to numbers,
with special care for approximating infinite fractions.
numbers 0.6-3
- divisors() lists all divisors of a number n from its prime factors.
- necklace() and bracelet() compute the number of necklaces resp.
bracelets in combinatorics, suggested by David Sterratt.
- corrected a 'tiny' bug in modpower(), pointed out by Nathan Carter.
numbers 0.6-1 (2015-07-14)
- bell() generates Bell numbers.
- Spelling changes in the documentation.
numbers 0.5-9 (2015-07-10)
- Changed package 'gmp' status from "Imports:" to "Suggests:";
functions miller_rabin() and mersenne() require 'gmp' to be loaded.
- sigma() renamed to Sigma() to avoid name clash.
numbers 0.5-8
- atkin_sieve(): Atkin's prime number sieve.
- Small bug corrected: eulerPhi(1) == 1 .
numbers 0.5-6 (2015-03-14)
- Pi-day 3.14.15 9:26:53.58 contribution:
dropletPi() realizes the droplet/spigot algorithm for pi;
droplet_e() has been renamed to dropletE().
numbers 0.5-3
- radical() computes the radical of n, i.e the product of
unique prime factors of n.
numbers 0.5-2 (2015-01-28)
- miller-rabin() executes the probabilistic Miller-Rabin primality
test, faster than isPrime(), but still slower than gmp::isprime().
numbers 0.5-1
- egyptian_complete() returns the number of solutions found.
- legendre_sym() returned Boolean nonsense, has been corrected.
numbers 0.4-9
- ordpn() order of a prime number in n!, i.e. n faculty.
- fibonacci() and lucas() corrected; the recursive computation
has been replaced by an iterative approach.
numbers 0.4-7
- agm() exact to machine accuracy; returns only the AGM value.
numbers 0.4-5 (2014-01-08)
- Imports 'gmp'.
- Primes() avoids creating additional memory, doubled its speed.
numbers 0.4-3
- legendre_sym() Legendre and Jacobi symbol.
- quadratic_residues() lists all quadratic residues.
numbers 0.4-1
- mersenne() computes Mersenne prime numbers.
- Renamed factorize() to primeFactors() (avoid masking ...)
numbers 0.3-5
- catalan() Catalan numbers.
- pythagorean_triple() generating Pythagorean triples.
numbers 0.3-3 (2012-11-21)
- hermiteNF() Hermite normal form.
- lucas() Lucas numbers as sequence.
- Added corrections to mGCD() and mLCM().
numbers 0.3-1 (2012-10-05)
- chinese() Chinese Remainder Theorem.
- egypt_methods(), egypt_complete() Egyptian fractions
- zeck() Zeckendorf representation.
- Improving modular arithmetics: mod(), rem(), div().
numbers 0.2-1
- agm() algebraic-geometric mean.
- fibonacci() Fibonacci sequence.
- droplet_e() for generating digits of e.
- Modular functions:
- modinv(), modlin() modular inverses;
- primroot() primitive roots.
- Greatest common divisor, least common multiple:
- extGCD(), GCD(), mGCD(), LCM(), mLCM(), coprime().
numbers 0.1-1
- More Number-theoretic functions:
- eulersPhi; moebius(), mertens();
- sigma(), tau(), omega(), Omega().
- Shifted number-theoretic functions from 'pracma' to 'numbers':
- contFrac() continuous fractions;
- ratFarey() rational approximation through Farey sequence.
- Prime number functions:
- primeSieve(), Primes(), isPrime(), factorize();
- twinPrimes(), nextPrime(), previousPrime();
- isNatural(), isIntpower().
- New package 'numbers' on R-Forge.