adagio 0.9.2 (2023-10-26)
- change_making() solving the Change Making problem
- Improved Historize() and changed its ouput value considerably.
adagio 0.8.9
- Corrected Nesterov's test functions and gradients, and
added another nonsmooth version Nesterov2().
adagio 0.8.7
- count() added, with functionality similar to table().
- Corrected the help page for fnHald() where abs() was missing.
adagio 0.8.5 (2022-10-03)
- Historize() adds storage for variables and values of a function.
adagio 0.8.4 (2021-04-30)
- bpp_approx() solves the Bin Packing Problem approximately.
adagio 0.8.3
- Small corrections in subsetsum(); added sss_test() -- no indices.
Changed default values of arguments for methods and sorting.
- occurs() finds index positions of subsequences in integer sequences.
- Removed inactive URL links (Hansen's homepage changed).
adagio 0.8.2
- setcover() solves the Set Cover problem in discrete optimization.
- Added a one-line description for testfunction 'fnNesterov1'.
- Corrected help pages for 'knapsack()' and 'mknapsack()'.
adagio 0.8.1
- Removed Fortran code for 'maxsub()' and 'maxsub2d()'.
- 'assignment()' uses 'lp.assign' from the 'lpSolve' package;
now numeric cost matrices are allowed, not only integer ones.
- 'mknapsack()': Fortran code replaced by a linear program;
also interchanged the weight and profit arguments.
adagio 0.8.0
- Restart 'adagio' by avoiding Fortran code now and forever.
- Imports 'lpSolve' for treating mixed-integer linear programs.
adagio 0.7.2
- Corrected maxsub2d() and Fortran, fix provided by Yogesh Bansal.
adagio 0.7.1 (2018-05-17)
- Removed 'adagio-package.Rd' on request of K. Hornick, CRAN.
adagio 0.7.0
- pureCMAES() added a break statement, proposed by R. Biedrzycki.
adagio 0.6.9
- nelmin(), nelminb() renamed to neldermead(), neldermeadb().
- hookejeeves() Hooke-Jeeves minimization (with bound constraints).
- Help page of knapsack() did not mention the interger requirement.
adagio 0.6.7
- nelmin(), nelminb() now use an dimension-adaptive Nelder-Mead
minimization by F. Gao and L. Han.
- simpleDE() returns the number of function evaluations.
adagio 0.6.5 (2016-05-29)
- corrected an error in grNesterov(), as indicated by John Nash.
adagio 0.6.3 (2015-12-06)
- hamiltonian() finds a Hamiltonian path or cycle in a graph given
as a vector of edges (see the 'igraph' package) or an edge list.
adagio 0.6.1 (2015-07-27)
- Reorganized test functions; removed genTestfn() and (re-)introduced
Rosenbrock, Nesterov, Rastrigin, Hald, Shor with their true names;
prepended with a 'fn' for the function, 'gr' for existing gradients.
- Removed linesearch_ww(), linesearch_sw(), and qpspecial() for now.
- trefethen(), wagon() renamed to fnTrefethen(), fnWagon().
- Corrected a call to maxempty() on the help page.
adagio 0.5.9 (2013-09-28)
- fminviz(), flineviz() visualize multivariate functions at (assumed)
minima or along lines in multidimensional space.
adagio 0.5.7
- pureCMAES() Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
with applications to the Remez problem and L1 regression.
adagio 0.5.4
- genTestfn() generates optimization test functions:
Hald, Nesterov, Nesterov1, Rastrigin, Rosenbrock, Shor.
- maxquad() Lemarechal's MAXQUAD test function generator.
adagio 0.5.1
- linesearch_ww(), linesearch_sw() Wolfe's weak and strong line search.
- qpspecial() special quadratic programming solver.
adagio 0.4.3 (2012-11-17)
- nelmin(), nelminb() Nelder-Mead function minimization according to
O'Neill (Fortran code) and J. Burghardt (Matlab code, LGPL licence).
- transfinite() transformation function between bounded and unbounded
(box constrained) regions.
adagio 0.3.9
- simpleEA() and simpleDE() improved, with boundary conditions.
- simpleEA() speed improved, with new parameters and options.
adagio 0.3.7
- simpleDE() simple differential evolution algorithm for
function minimization.
adagio 0.3.5 (2012-03-21)
- assignment() solves the linear (sum) assignment problem (LSAP)
for integer square cost matrices.
adagio 0.3.3
- maxempty() solves the maximal empty rectangle problem.
adagio 0.3.1
- mknapsack() solves the multiple knapsack problem, utilizing free
Fortran code from the NSCW library of Mathematics Subroutines.
adagio 0.2.8 (2012-02-17)
- knapsack() solves the 0-1 (binary) single knapsack problem
using the dynamic programming approach.
- subsetsum() now with 'greedy' and 'dynamic' methods.
adagio 0.2.5
- maxsub2d() maximal sum subrectangle problem;
uses Fortran code to be able to handle 1000-by-1000 matrices.
adagio 0.2.0
- maxsub() maximal sum subarray (with Ratfor and Fortran code).
- subsetsum() Subset sum routine written in R.
adagio 0.1.6
- Set up as package on R-Forge, part of the Optimist project.
adagio 0.1.5
- simpleEA(), simple evolutionary algorithm for minimum finding.
- Test functions trefethen() and wagon().
- Setting up the package structure and required files.